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8 Channel Audio & CV Sampler


The ‘Squid Salmple’ is a Eurorack 8 channel audio & CV sampler. It is designed for immediate real time sampling, editing and mangling within a modular context.

Taking influence from early hardware samplers, The Squid Salmple focuses on usability & instinctive operation, incorporating a proven Pamela’s Workout style user interface for minimal screen dependance & a fun, hands on experience.

With support for sampling and playback for both audio and CV, as well as CV control of all parameters, on-the-fly bank loading & saving to USB, The Squid Salmple brings a unique take on old school sampling into the modular realm.

The Squid Salmple comes with a USB Stick containing approximately 90 banks of original carefully curated royalty free samples. This includes a wide range of sounds from classic drum machines & weird synths to field recordings & CV modulations. Banks are provided by both ALM and some of our favourite artists and friends including Mumdance, Solid Blake, Russell Haswell, Lauren Flax, Dave Burraston (NYZ), Sue Zuki, Dungeon Acid, Sasha Lewis and Andrew Duff.


  • 8 independent channels, 4 DC coupled outputs (2 channels per out) and a mix output (ac coupled)
  • 1 mono record input handling both CV and audio input signal from line to modular level.
  • Each channel has approx 11 seconds of 16 bit / 44.1Khz CD quality sample time stored in low latency RAM.
  • Each channel can have various parameters edited all in real time; bit depth, rate, lo fi playback speed/pitch, amplitude level with a simple envelope, looping with crossfade, playback direction, start, end and loop ‘cue’ positions, multiple cue groups and more.
  • Each channel features a basic digital multimode filter offering a high, low, notch or bandpass mode with resonance
  • Three CV inputs allow for CV control to be assigned to any & multiple parameters and filters. Channels 6, 7 & 8 have dedicate 1v/oct input for control of pitch (expect crunchy aliasing!).
  • Sample record and channel destination can be controlled either by automated patching or manually via UI controls.
  • Save and load samples to USB keys as regular Wav format files arranged in quick-to-use banks of 8 (Up to 99 per key).
  • Free desktop software for sample bank creation.
  • Easy firmware update via USB key.
  • Skiff friendly with reverse power protection.
  • Made in England.

Technical Specifications

Supply: +12V 300mA Max / -12v 35mA

Size: 21HP

Depth: 38mm

Audio: AKM codecs with 44.1khz / 16 bit quality audio

Latency: 1-2ms trigger response time

Watch & Learn

SQUID SALMPLE - Firmware Update 185 - New Features
SQUID SALMPLE - Drum banks demo
Squid Vs Pam
SQUID SALMPLE - Deep Dive 1 - Delay & Live Looping
SQUID SALMPLE - Deep Dive 2 - Oscillators, Slicing & Sequencing
SQUID SALMPLE - Firmware Update 125 - New Features
SQUID SALMPLE - Loading Wavetable Banks
SQUID SALMPLE - Firmware Update 147 - Filters

Sample Packs

The Squid Salmple ships with a USB Stick containing curated royalty free sample banks from both ALM and various artists.

Alternative sound banks Getaphixx & UTTU USB sticks are also exclusively available now via the ALM Webshop.

Free Squid compatible samples and banks are downloadable via This includes ‘Calamari’ a full alternate sound library created by various ALM team members from a selection of sources including ALM demo videos.


Squid Bank Maker Software

The Squid Bank Maker is a simple free cross platform desktop application for quick and easy creation of Squid Salmple banks.

Simply drag and drop pretty much any audio file into a Squid channel, preview, name and then export as a converted Squid bank folder ready for use on the Squid itself.

Squid Bank Maker is available as a free download for both Windows and Mac

Squid Salmple pairs well with Pamela’s NEW Workout and the MUM M8 for a nice S950 style combo.

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