ALM-SB001 - MFX Pedal Firmware History ====================================== VER 115 (2/25) == - Match ALM032 module updates - Added NEW Stereo Expander mode to TY-50 Dynamics. - Mix control enabled for both Transient Shaper and Sidechain In R modes. - Added NEW Fade In parameter to Bit Corrupter, softening the clicks at the start and end of each glitch. - Added NEW FB Comb parameter to Multi Phaser that moves the comb filter effect caused by the feedback. VER 113 (8/24) == - Add support for MIDI program change message to switch user presets. - Add support for MIDI CC #70 to remote control bypass. - Fix potential noise on some reverbs when bypassed. VER 112 (5/24) == - Initial release.