ALM022 - Squid sALMple Firmware History ============================================== VER 187 (4/23) == - Minor Pool browsing improvements. - Axon 2 Support VER 186 (9/22) == - Improve USB stick compatabiity - Chan input can now be assigned to toggle record monitor - Increase number of per directory files to 256 - Remember last browsing position in pool. VER 186 (9/22) == - Improve USB stick compatabiity - Chan input can now be assigned to toggle record monitor - Increase number of per directory files to 256 - Remember last browsing position in pool. VER 185 (2/22) == - Fix issue where stiopping recording during playing can potentially cause audible glitch. - Update Manual for new features. VER 184-BETA == - Make Step T wrap correctly. - Have reverse samples fir E Trigs ok. - Fix Axon-1 expander working with cue sets again! VER 183-BETA == - Fix cues & steps correct reseting to step (when chan redirected) - Have Chan input respont of rising rather than falling edge. VER 182-BETA == - Add alternate chan input rerouting; Access config screen via holding Chan+USB+Func. Pause when exiting screen is normal. - chan can now choke all, punch markers on record, load next bank, reset cue and trigger steps. - Add 'Step T' aka step trigger option to 'Env' menu. Allows for 'round robin' polyphonic triggering across a number of chans. - Make pool fienames scroll again. Handle pool load fails better. - Fix cue sets display to match what cue is actually playing. Fix issues of cues getting skipped when large number. VER 172 (7/21) == - Fix/correct quanitisation scales. - Fix potential lockup when loading too long a sample into channel 8 - Fix flicker on monitor/record popup. VER 167 (5/21) == - Fix booboo on reintroducing filter lockups. - Remove duplicate 12 tone quant option. - Minor UI boot tweak. VER 165 BETA (4/21) == - Support remapping outputs. +'Quality' will move an output to its neighbour. i.e 1+2<>3+4 & 5+6<>7+8 (eg move 6 to 7+8 output). - Increase number of v/oct quantisation scales to mirror Pams. - Support loading 24 Bit wavs (downsampled to 16 bit) - Fix UI slugginish regression when playing back long samples. - Tweaks to UI performance / schueduling in general. Remove scrren uneeded transition anims - Fix filters always having a little resonsonce even when se to 0. - Update last bank when currnet bank is 'saved as' - Fix cue sets menu when a cue set deleted. - Clear previous audio data when a load fails or empy bank laoded. - Improve some USB sticks occasionally not getting recognised on boot. - Add support for CV expander VER 148 (12/20) == - Fix small snafu where filter settings not getting correctly applied to loaded banks and swapped chans. VER 147 (12/20) == - New per channel multimode filter with resonance (Under quality) - Added acceleration handling to encoder. - Remember last accessed section screens. - Better handle triggered Cue Set activation when CV mapped (now immediate). - Fix potential lockup when chan 8 is full and bitdepth fully reduced. VER 141 (8/20) == - Various Pool and filehandling tweaks. - Improvements to autochopper - attempt to computationally remove any DC offset. - Clip LED better catch fast transients. - Fix loading of wavs with more than 64 cue markers. - Fix preview of playback of pool stereo samples. VER 137 BETA (8/20) == - Alphabetically sort Pool filename entries - Fix issue with channel name getting updated when chans swapped. - Fix tuning fork getting rendered over channel filename VER 135 BETA (7/20) == - Add support for 'free' loading of wavs from a 'Pool/' directory within ALM022/ USB directory. - Add support for new Bank directory sub directory numbered naming and 'free' sample naming within directorys. - Display channel sample filenames (if exists) - Fix Bank set menu scrolling - Fix broken rendering of loop symbol VER 129 BETA (7/20) == - Add support for 'Bank Sets' - multiple sets of Banks on same usb + Essenially name ALM022/ subfolders as 'Set ABCD' when 'ABCD' is your Bank Set name. + Access via pressing USB button on bank selection screen. - Add attenuversion control to CV inputs. - Fix potentially lock up when modulating chan 1 loop/end point. - Fix key press handling on special cue set options. VER 125 (4/20) == - Fix Cue split to split to 64 sets (rather than 32) - Add option to remove all cue sets. Make add option stay on add selection. - Make extend record warn when chan full. Add Enc+Rec to clear. - Fix potential crasher on Extend when ram overwritten. - Fix extend with short triggers. - Fix bank num being show correct in load title bar. - Fix sync bank name if set before bank saved. - Fix Random cue set selection not selecting all sets. VER 121 BETA (3/20) == - Add new recording modes; + Replace (As orig) + Overdub (Record over existing sample at 50% volume) + Extend (Tag on to end of current recording, craeting a Cue set) - Tidy up Cue Sets screen and add new 'Auto' cue creation option. + Cue sets are made with Env follower and zero crossings - Add new 'E Trig' screen under Env. + Trigger is sent when sample playback finsihed. Can be 'Virutal' to trigger another chan or 'Physical' via trigger output. + Assigning CV controling virtual destination. - Fix bug with saved cue sets potentially getting offset when sample cropped. - Fix potential lockup up with some operations on full length chan 8. VER 111 (2/20) == - Add a 'step' cue set mode (Jump to next cue set on trigger) - Fix a potential lock up when zig zag looping a max len samp on chan 8 VER 110 BETA (01/20) == - Add support for previewing single samps. Hold Func & Encoder from 'Load 1' screen. - Add 'scanning' feature when both start+end assigned to same CV input. - Fix/change Decay representation so make more sense with CV control etc. Think of it as amount of 'Decay slope' - Fix issue where chan+enc could access quant/speed for non v/oct chans. - Improve bank rename UI a little ith 'end option' & proper spaces - Func+ENC turn on BPM screen is now more granular for finer control (as well as diplaying BPM if fits bar length) VER 108 (12/19) == - Add 'RANDOM' cue set which jumps to a random cue set when trigger recieved. - Add 'gated; loop types which play/sustain 'sample' whilst chan trigger input high (and go to decay stage on low if set) - Add BPM display when Func button held on speed parameter (assumes sample is 1 bar long and BPM must be < 300) - Fix marker->cue set conversion where initial marker would get ignored unless at sample beginning. - Fix Chan+Func hold jumping back to chan screen as if just chan pressed. - Fix saving a single channel into a different destination (previously dest ignored) - Fix Decay/Attack incorrectly fully opening with 0v CV. - Fix any existing cue set data geting properly cleared when a new sample is made. - Fix load/save screens popping up again if click recieved whilst load/save progress. VER 100 == - Properly clamp Level param so doesn't wrap. - Fix speed/pitch getting messed up with V/Oct chans are swapped. Ver 99 (Beta) == - Add record channel lock feature (press Chan + Rec) to lock sample recording to current channel. - Throttle record/monitor repaints a little to keep squid more repsonsive. Ver 97 == - Add compat code so pre v88 wav meta data (i.e 32 cue sets) is handled ok. Ver 90 (Beta) == - Tidy up Env & Qauntity params so sane directions and dont all roll over. - Fix sill bug where 'quant' option only worked for channel 6 (and then applied to 7 & 8 too). Ver 88 (Beta) == - Add Attack parameter. - Make CV assignments cummalative when applied to same param. - Increase number of Cue Sets to 64. Also inc wav meta data version because of this (old emta thus ignored). - Trim a bad cue point rather than abort entire load. Ver 81 == - Fix to better recognise some usb keys at startup (will work if re-inserted) Ver 80 (2nd batch F/W) == - Fix a few minor cue set bugs. - Fix meta data getting wiped on single sample load - Fix envolope follower actually stopping when recording started via trigger. - Improve USB key support. - Add Solo/improved mute behaviour Ver 71 (07/19) == - Initial firmware release