We are excited to open our first ever pop-up shop at Coal Drops Yard, Kings Cross, London for one week only, open daily 11am-7pm Monday 24th April to Sunday 30th April 2023.
The shop will stock the full range of ALM Eurorack modules and accessories for visitors to try, patch and buy. We’ll have numerous demo cases showcasing our full range of products with ALM staff on hand to answer any specific questions & offer advice.
New modules will be announced through the week which will be exclusively available ahead of their official release plus exclusive merch & collabs will also be on sale.

Performances and Talks
In the evening the shop will host live talks & performances from a wide range of artists, ALM friends and staff. Evolving schedule as follows:
Monday 24th April
7pm: ‘TAZM-O’ New Module Demo & Announce.
Tuesday 25th April
7pm: Powell (Live Modular)
Wednesday 26th April
7-11pm: Spiritland takeover with Russell Haswell, Roc from EVOL & Dungeon Acid.
Thursday 27th April
7pm: Roc from EVOL & Dungeon Acid (Live Modular)
Friday 28th April
7pm: Nik Void (Live Modular)
Saturday 29th April
7pm: Mumdance (Live Modular)
Sunday 30th April
6pm: Andrew Duff (Oscillographics Talk/Performance)
Tech talks TBA. please check back regularly.
The pop-up will be located at Lower Stable Street (unit 108), Coal Drops Yard, Kings Cross, N1C 4LW – 5 mins walk from Kings Cross Station, opposite Honest Jon’s Record shop.
Open 11am – 7pm Monday 24th April to Sunday 30th April 2023
Voices Radio Takeover
We’ve teamed up with Coal Drops Yards community radio station – Voices radio – for a 12 hours takeover of synth related sounds and fun from our friends and team.
Saturday 29th April 11am – 11pm
11-12 ALM Breakfast Show
13.00 Loula Yorke
14.00 Satoshi & Makoto CZ-5000 Special
15.00 Busy Zach – SNES tracks Special
16.00 Busy Matthew selects.
17.00 LOGOS – Nord Modular Special
18.00 Tba.
19.00 Lauren Flax DJ Set
20.00 Nik Void – ALM Live Set
21.00 Roc from EVOL – Synth Demo Special
22.00 Dungeon Acid – DJAX Beats Special