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Boss Bow Tie:
Voltage Controlled Switch


‘Boss Bow Tie’ is an 8 way bidirectional voltage controlled switch. An input ‘I/O’ signal is mapped to an output ‘I/O’ via a corresponding control voltage. As bidirectional, this can be either 1 of up to 8 inputs into a single output or a single input into 1 of up to 8 outputs. The control input features both an attenuverter and offset to precisely select which of the 8 I/O’s are available to be ‘switched’. A normalized ‘Gate’ input enables and disables the switch allowing for rhythmic and other effects.

The module is intended primarily for flexible routing of CV signals. Though audio signals will work – audible clicks can sometimes be apparent when switching I/O’s.

Note Boss Bow Tie is now DISCONTINUED. Please see the improved Boss Bow Two.


  • 8 way bidirectional voltage controlled switch.
  • 1 input into any 1 of up to 8 outputs -or- 1 of up to 8 inputs into a single output.
  • Attenuverter and Offset controls for control voltage input
  • Normalized ‘Gate’ input to enable/disable switch.
  • Fast switching up to audio rates.
  • Skiff friendly
  • Designed and built in England.
  • Underrated!

Technical Specifications

Supply: +12V ~50mA / -12V ~50mA

Size: 6HP

Depth: 32mm (including power header)

The Boss Bow Tie pairs well with the Pip Slope and Pamela’s NEW Workout.

Product Index


Note Boss Bow Tie is now DISCONTINUED. Please see the improved Boss Bow Two.