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Multimode Switch


‘Boss Bow Two’ is an 8 way bidirectional voltage controlled switch with 3 different control modes: address, strobe, and step. Each control mode uniquely routes signals from an input ‘I/O’ to an output ‘I/O’.  Address mode allows for instant routing manually via the offset or external control voltage, step mode sequentially advances I/O following signal at the clock input and the strobe mode combines the two, holding the addressed position until the next clock pulse. 

The reset input allows for master on off switching in address and strobe modes and traditional sequencer style ‘reset’ in step mode. The control input features both an attenuverter and offset to precisely select which of the 8 I/O’s are available to be ‘switched’ in address and strobe modes and sets the direction of travel in step mode.

As it is bidirectional, audio or CV can be routed from 1 of up to 8 inputs to a single output or a single input to 1 of up to 8 outputs. The unique features and flexibility of the ‘BB2’ allow for a wide range of potential patches to be created.


  • 8 way bidirectional voltage controlled switch
  • 3 unique control modes: address, strobe, and step
  • 1 input into any 1 of up to 8 outputs -or- 1 of up to 8 inputs into a single output
  • Accepts both audio and CV at I/O’s
  • Accepts a variety of control signals, triggers, gates & CV.
  • Attenuverter and offset controls for the CV input
  • Clock and reset inputs
  • Fast switching and reset up to audio rates
  • Skiff friendly
  • Designed and built in England.

Technical Specifications

Supply : +12V 40mA / -12V 10mA

Size : 8HP

Depth : 38mm

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Boss Bow Two - 8 Way Multimode Switch

Boss Bow Two pairs well with the Quaid Megaslope & Pamela’s NEW Workout.

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